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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP for Hair Loss & Hair Thinning

LifeMed Clinic offers PRP or hair loss and hair thinning

PRP for Acne Scars & Facial Rejuvenation

LifeMed Clinic offers PRP for acne scas and facial rejuvenation

PRP for Sexual Dysfunction

LifeMed Clinic offers PRP for sexual dysfunction

What is PRP?

We all know that blood contains platelets that assist in clotting and healing wounds. However, many don’t know that blood also contains fundamental growth factors that are designed to restore and heal. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) harnesses these regenerative growth factors by activating them to promote natural health. This enhancement is done through stimulating rebuild of the underlying tissue and thus, the promotion of the growth of new collagen.

The result of this “fountain of youth” process can be fresher, younger, and more rejuvenated skin. PRP is harmonious with your body’s natural physiological processes, promoting an environment that is ideal for new tissue and collagen growth.



What areas can PRP treat?

PRP has been used in facial rejuvenation around the world since 2006. Areas of treatment include cheeks/mid-face, wrinkling around the eyes, smile lines, neck/jaw line, décolleté, acne scarring, hands and more.

Hair growth is a popular treatment choice for PRP. Society tends to associate an abundance of hair with youthfulness/vigor; the lack of it may affect how a person is viewed. 70% of studies have shown that most men in their late 30s/40s suffer from hair loss. It may be a difficult transition to cope with; PRP is the solution.



What type of results may I expect from PRP treatment?

Immediately post-treatment, fine lines and wrinkles may be noticeably softened. Deeper wrinkled areas may appear to be more plump/smooth. In the long term, there may be growth of new collagen and stimulation of fibroblasts (most common cells in connective tissue). Aesthetically, this may create a smoother and more even skin surface. The results vary with each person though typically you may see noticeable improvements in skin tone and texture within 3 weeks of treatment; however, results may continue for several months to come post-treatment. Combining PRP with other treatments (fillers, cosmetic laser treatments, etc.) may create outstanding outcomes.



How does PRP help in treating hair loss?

If the hair follicles/roots are healthy, the growth of hair may be uninterrupted. Hair follicles survive on the nutrition they receive from the blood supply. Introducing platelets by administering PRP in the damaged hair follicle area amplifies the body’s natural wound healing mechanism. Post-treatment, you may return to normal activity immediately; though the scalp may need protection from sun exposure and excessive irritation. There are numerous benefits in using PRP to promote healing for hair growth. These benefits lie in the fact that the highly concentrated growth factors in platelets have been shown to generate new hair growth, thicken thinning hair, and cause hair transplants to grow at an enhanced rate.

Despite these benefits, not everyone is an ideal candidate to undergo this procedure.

Patients with an active infection related to the scalp area, history of a viral infection (shingles, blood-clotting disorder), on blood-thinning medications (aspiring, immunosuppressive drugs) would not be ideal candidates.

Moreover, if the hair follicles are completely lost, this procedure is less likely to assist in producing viable results.

*result may vary from person to person



The PRP Procedure

PRP works by enhancing and strengthening your pre-existing hair follicles. One reason that hair may thin is if the follicle has low hair density. On average, two or three strands of hair grow from a single follicle. In people with thin hair, most follicles have only a single strand of hair. The procedure may increase the number of hair strands per each follicle, enhancing hair density.

Phase I

Phase I involves blood extraction from the patient; this blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the blood’s components. Platelets are obtained and may multiply; this multiplication process generates growth factors, which may ultimately be served as stimuli for the scalp’s cells.

Phase 2

Phase 2 involves platelet/growth factors injections into the scalp. This process promotes healing of punctures as well as new hair growth.


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